While an anorexic diagnosis can sometimes be difficult to deal with, there are a variety of effective anorexia nervosa treatment methods available. Read on to learn about the most effective anorexia nervosa treatment alternatives. What Exactly Is Anorexia Nervosa?
Anorexia Nervosa means having an abnormal fear of gaining weight and an abnormal fear of eating. This fear generally involves limiting food intake and exercising excessively in order to lose excessive weight quickly. In most cases, this form of anorexia nervosa treatment involves talking to a psychotherapist or other forms of psychological counselor. This person will help you change your eating habits and alter your behaviors so that you are not continually surrounded by the threat of starvation. What types of changes might occur in this treatment?
The treatment that has been found to be most effective involves talking with a psychologist or other form of mental health counselor. These mental health counselors can help you overcome your relationship problems and handle stressful situations in your life. They are trained to help you talk through issues that involve anorexia. They can teach you how to effectively communicate with others and how to develop appropriate eating patterns and behaviors. These mental health counselors can also teach you how to properly deal with emotional eating and how to overcome self-starvation.
Many young people suffering from anorexia nervosa are unable to maintain weight gain. If you work with a psychologist or other mental health care professional, they can help you develop effective ways of controlling your weight. Typically, these treatment centers will offer both individual and group counseling as well as group activities such as chess lessons and theater.
A physician or other doctor who specializes in mental health conditions is usually the first place to turn for additional information and treatment for anorexia. You may want to see your primary doctor as well as ask him or her about potential treatment programs that they recommend. Your primary doctor may even refer you to an appropriate psychologist or other doctor who can work with you to treat your anorexia.
Anorexia is a serious disorder that can have a negative effect on your life. People with anorexia nervosa often feel inadequate, ugly and are unable to maintain proper body image. People with low body weight are at higher risk for developing depression, high blood pressure, anxiety, stress and sleep disorders. This is because the symptoms of anorexia are similar to the symptoms that occur with other psychological disorders and addictions such as smoking, alcohol abuse and gambling.
There are a variety of treatment options available for those who suffer from anorexia. Doctors may prescribe medications such as antidepressants, anti-seizure drugs and nerve blockers. These drugs can help alleviate the symptoms of the eating disorder but do little to address the causes of the disorder. The only known cure is a behavioral training, which means that you will be required to change your behaviors or self-beliefs that are contributing to the cause of the disorder. This type of treatment, also known as psychotherapy, is by far the most successful means of treating the complications associated with anorexia.
Behavioral training involves retraining the sufferer’s thought processes to accept healthy weight loss without starving themselves. It teaches the sufferer to realistically assess their own body shape and nutrition level and changes their food intake accordingly. The patient is taught to change their negative behaviors toward food and to develop new ones that promote weight gain instead of starvation. Behavioral training has been shown to be highly effective in its treatment of anorexia and bulimia. This is because it prevents the sufferer from engaging in the binge eating that often goes along with the disorder.