Binge Eating Disorder Symptoms Is Easy to Spot

Binge Eating Disorder Symptoms Is Easy to Spot

Binge eating disorder symptoms can range from a few quiet moments of self-starvation to full-blown episodes that are disruptive to the sufferer’s life. Many of the victims are young women. The abuse of food in one form or another is not uncommon among women, although binge eating disorders have been known to strike men as well. It is believed that women are more susceptible to binge eating due to hormonal imbalances, stress, depression, and family problems. Men, however, are not immune to this disorder, but the symptoms tend to be more severe and require more intensive treatment to be successful.

When binges do occur, they usually occur on a significant social scale, such as at a family function or with friends. Binge eating disorder can affect anyone, and can manifest itself in various ways. Often binges are motivated by religious or moral beliefs, but this is not always the case.

Some of the most common symptoms of a binging episode include disinterest in all other activities, constant belittling the body’s flaws or oddities, feelings of guilt (especially towards a spouse or significant other), uncontrollable cravings for food, and extremely rapid weight loss or gain. Some people may use food to cover up feelings of guilt, while others feel nothing but guilt. Some people may have uncontrollable urges to binge after years of healthy, balanced eating. Others may experience anorexia for years before they develop compulsive over-eating. In any case, people may begin to notice that their general appearance seems to change, and may frequently slip into bouts of excessive eating.

When people begin to experience binge eating disorder symptoms, they usually do not seek help. Many turn to diet pills or laxatives in order to curb their binging. Unfortunately, these methods only make a person physically dependent on them, and in the long run, are far from effective. Many times, diet pills and laxatives can lead to serious health complications. They can also have unpleasant side effects that can cause further health problems, should they be used for prolonged periods of time.

When people find themselves dealing with a binge eating disorder, they usually start making plans for how they will lose weight or prevent themselves from binging. However, they often overlook one of the most obvious and effective solutions: exercise. Exercise, whether it is moderate-to-intensive exercise or something as simple as a brisk walk, burns calories, tones the muscles, and strengthens the bones. It helps people overcome binge eating disorder symptoms because exercise makes them feel good, reduces stress, increases their self-esteem, increases their confidence level, and makes them less at risk of developing a serious eating disorder in the future.

However, even if people are already committed to a healthy lifestyle and are exercising on a daily basis, they may not realize that there is more they can do. Exercising in addition to following a healthy diet can further improve their condition. Not only will exercise help control their cravings and improve their overall health, but it can also make them feel great and boost their self-confidence. When you exercise, your body produces endorphins, which are natural painkillers and feel-good hormones. This gives exercise an added boost because it helps reduce feelings of stress as well.

To get the most out of any type of exercise, it’s important to work both the “brick and mortar” and the online world of exercise. A gym membership to join may be required to get the most benefits from exercising, and it is often recommended for people who are serious about overcoming binge eating disorder symptoms. But just going for a 30-minute walk a day or half an hour of exercise every other day can yield tremendous results. And if a person is already very fit, they can do one intense exercise such as a power cleanse and experience amazing results as well.

If you have any concerns that you may have a binge eating disorder symptom, it is best to seek treatment immediately. There are many treatment options available from cognitive behavior therapy to medications to hypnotherapy. No matter what form of treatment is used, the main goal is to get the sufferer on the road to recovery.