How to Make a Magnesium For Constipation Treatment Work For You

How to Make a Magnesium For Constipation Treatment Work For You

Have you been using magnesium for constipation? I bet if you have then you are probably still using it! Magnesium is one of my very best friends! Here I am going to give you some basic information on magnesium for constipation and why it is important.

As you know, the majority of people get their stool soft through diet. Magnesium helps by drawing water to the stomach, adding extra liquid to the stool, thus softening it; It also helps the smooth large muscles in the bowel tract contract even better to push things along through bowel movements. Magnesium also helps to prevent cramps and spasms that come with diarrhea. Most importantly it stabilizes blood sugar levels.

In a nutshell, what I have explained so far is that magnesium works as an intestinal cleanser and laxative. But you don’t need to take a strong dose of this supplement just to relieve your constipation problems. A good dose of it added to a lot of high quality magnesium supplements can do the trick. Below I have listed three sources from which you can get high quality magnesium supplements.

Dried herbs: The dried herbs used as laxatives in Chinese medicine usually contain high amounts of magnesium. Make sure you buy them from a reliable online store. You can find these products sold at online health stores or even offline markets. These days it is not unusual to see people using magnesium as a laxative in order to alleviate a wide range of ailments.

Magnesium citrate capsules: Studies have proven that magnesium citrate capsules can work well as a natural laxative when taken as directed. However they are not recommended for pregnant women, lactating mothers or individuals with kidney or liver disease. In such cases they may cause a certain degree of constipation and diarrhea. On the other hand they are great for athletes who are magnesium deficient and want to minimize muscle contractions during workout sessions.

Liquid magnesium salts: This is another form of oral supplement but this time it is in a liquid format. Studies have shown that this type of supplement is just as effective as the tablet version. It is however recommended that you do not exceed the recommended daily dosage by more than the recommended amount. Since this type of supplement is in a liquid solution, it tends to pass through the digestive tract too fast. If this happens you may feel some discomfort in the stomach or intestinal tract.

Liquid magnesium hydrotherapy: There is a special recipe for this kind of liquid drink that comes in a can. It is however not recommended for people with kidney problems and should therefore not be administered to people with kidney problems. This beverage contains enough magnesium to treat constipation relief, but it is also not enough to prevent kidney problems. Some experts suggest that if this formula is administered to a patient with kidney problems he should take a low dose of magnesium only once or twice a day for immediate constipation relief.

The best way to get instant magnesium chloride for constipation relief is to use magnesium chloride as a dietary supplement available from health food stores. The taste of this supplement is bitter, but in a few hours you will discover why it tastes bitter. You need to chew on it very slowly in order to let the magnesium chloride dissolves into the blood stream without being swallowed as solid particles.

Another very good way of getting instant magnesium hydroxide is to use a low-salt diet. This can be easily achieved by adding lots of fresh fruits, vegetables and grains to your everyday meals. Since magnesium is a mineral that has very low solubility levels, it can easily be absorbed by the body. In addition to that, magnesium is a mineral that maintains the pH levels in the stomach, which in turn prevents high levels of stomach acid. Therefore, if you are suffering from constipation, you should consider cutting down on salty foods.

The best magnesium supplement for constipation is however still believed to be the magnesium citrate. For this you should look for health supplements that contain a combination of magnesium chloride and magnesium hydroxide. The main advantage of using this supplement is that the solubility level is quite high and it dissolves easily into the blood stream. However, the concentration of magnesium in this supplement is quite low compared to the other magnesium supplements. The main disadvantage of using this type of magnesium citrate for constipation is that the absorption of the nutrient is not that fast.

So, there you have it, my dear reader, just a few ways in which you can get your hands on some of the best magnesium for constipation. Remember, taking too much magnesium can have its drawbacks, so just keep it to a minimum and your body will take care of itself. As for the bowel movement, well that’s a whole ‘nother story. But I believe I’ve made my points clear, so try some magnesium for constipation and see for yourself how effective it is!