According to a study done in England, almost one in every ten women there suffer from some type of eating disorders. Anorexia and bulimia nervosa are the two most common types of eating disorders among women in the U.S.A. When you begin to read this article, you will quickly realize that knowing the symptoms of these two eating disorders can help you get help much sooner than you think.
The first set of symptoms of anorexia is the inability to eat small amounts. Usually an anorexic will be only able to eat very small amounts of food. These small amounts are usually only enough to satisfy their hunger. Anorexics also have a tendency to become fat because the food they consume is almost never fully digested and therefore goes unused. Another common symptom of anorexia is being unable to hold onto a piece of food, even if they are already uncomfortably full.
Bulimia is different than anorexia in that a person suffering from bulimia will often times eat in large amounts but will not be able to keep down any amount of food. A bulimic might be eating two pounds’ worth of food and then throwing it up later. In fact, a bulimic will often keep vomiting after each meal and drink water throughout the day. It should be noted that many people who suffer from these eating disorders will seek treatment for their problems with mental health disorders.
Both of these eating disorders have a high risk factor for depression. Depression can greatly effect a person’s quality of life. If left untreated it can lead to suicide. Anorexia is also linked to a high risk factor for depression and anxiety. Many women with bulimia will also seek treatment for depression.
Eating disorders are very common in teenagers. One of the first signs of teenage anorexia is suddenly dropping body weight. Body weight normally increases during adolescence. There are certain warning signs that you may be seeing for signs of teen anorexia. If a loved one is concerned about their teen having an eating disorder, it is important to consult a doctor. The sooner a physician can diagnose teen anorexia the sooner treatment can be started.
Eating disorders are known to increase the risk of developing other mental health issues like depression, stress, anxiety, and stress-related high blood pressure. Eating disorders can also increase the risk of developing bulimia, which is self-consumptive behavior where a person consumes large amounts of food, which they feel may be unnecessary. If a loved one has been diagnosed with one of these conditions, they should be under the care of a physician that has experience treating these conditions. It is also a good idea to check with local hospitals and see if they offer treatment for depression and other mental health issues associated with dieting and bulimia.
Psychological issues aside, dieting disorders can cause severe physical problems. These problems range from growth disorders and stunted growth in children to physical complications such as heart disease, hypertension, and diabetes. It can also cause depression, anxiety, and stress. It can even lead to chemical imbalances in the brain, leading to mental health issues like paranoia and delusions. This is why it is so important that anyone suffering from any type of eating disorder seek medical attention immediately.
In conclusion, dieting and overeating are very real problems. They have the potential to negatively impact not only your own life but the lives of others. It is always a good idea to seek treatment for depression if you are experiencing any type of eating disorders. Seek treatment now before it is too late. Depression is not something that should be ignored or left alone because it can have devastating effects.