What are the different types of eating disorder? The different types of eating disorder diagnosis include: Anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa, binge eating, hyperphagia, and impulsivity. In addition to the different types of eating disorder there are several different risk factors that are common in individuals who are diagnosed with one or more of them.
Purging is one type of behavioral eating disorders. Purging is the intentional loss of food or fluids through an act of elimination. Research has shown that the tendency to engage in this act of eliminating is caused by distress with one’s weight and is often used as a method to avoid weight gain.
Binge-eating disorders involve uncontrollable urges to eat food that is not typically part of a normal diet. These individuals usually engage in binging after a long period of time and engage in extreme behaviors to try to control their weight. There are two types of binge-eating disorders; compulsive overeating and binge-purging. The research done on these two different types of eating disorders is unclear as to why they occur so frequently, but binge-eaters do have higher rates of overweight or obese compared to those with other types of eating disorders.
Anorexia is an eating disorder that usually involves a young woman who is obsessed with losing weight. She usually engages in extreme activities such as exercising excessively, developing restrictive dietary habits, and consuming large amounts of calories even when not hungry. A person with this disorder may also develop other psychological factors such as depression, guilt, and stress. It is estimated that approximately 10% of the American population suffers from some degree of anorexia or bulimia. Approximately four out of every five people who suffer from some degree of anorexia will also suffer from some degree of bulimia or binge-eating disorder at some point during their lifetime.
Another type of eating problem that most families will come to recognize is compulsive over-eating. This behavior can often start during the toddler years and continue into the teen years and beyond. Many children will begin to experience negative consequences for binge eating such as being suspended from school, being expelled from school, receiving negative comments from classmates, and being called by adults who have authority in the child’s room or household. Most children with compulsive overeating will eventually develop an eating problem of some kind.
Another common eating issue among youth is dieting. There are many different types of dieting including severe dieting, which can lead to death if it is not handled properly. Other types of dieting include very low calorie diets or high protein diets. The problem with dieting is that most people end up suffering from some kind of short term or long term health crisis related to dieting. Even after a person has suffered with dieting and attempted to lose the weight, most people will find themselves wanting to return to their old diet. Many times, people will then undergo various types of diets in order to try to regain control over their weight.
One of the other eating disorders that can develop in youth is anorexia nervosa.A lot of the time an anorexic will be severely underweight due to the anorexia nervosa and will seek weight loss methods to help them get back into shape. Anorexia affects many different people in many different ways and can even effect one’s self esteem. Sadly, many anorexics will develop eating disorders such as bulimia in order to meet an image of perfect beauty. People with this type of disorder often starve themselves to reach the weight they want. If you are concerned that a loved one may be suffering from any of these conditions it is important to speak with the proper authorities such as a doctor or a mental health professional to get the help that is needed.