When it comes to high fibre food for constipation, there are a number of options available. Some foods are more fibrous than others and some contain a lot of fiber, while others have less. The type of fibre contained will depend upon the type of fibre used. There is also the issue of the amount of fiber contained as well as the overall content of the food. Some foods contain a lot of fiber but are heavy, which may result in feeling bloated. Others may be too light and you might feel like having a bowel movement every day or even several times each day.
Vegetables, rice, beans, peas, nuts, and whole grain breads are all easily digestible and high in fiber. They are all food high in fiber and should certainly be added into your daily diet. But their caloric value may vary greatly.
Cereals, fresh fruits, and vegetables are all easily digested and are great food items for someone with constipation. But just as important are high-fiber grains and pulses. There are two main types of grain used in making bread – barley and wheat. There are also many other types of grains including oats and bran, but these two provide only the necessary dietary fibre to help with constipation.
Some people also find that whole grain breads, such as cornmeal, are difficult to digest and do not always provide high fibre. Other cereals, such as quinoa or amaranth, are also difficult to digest and provide only trace amounts of fibre. Rice is another option, but it tends to give up too much of its starch, which can make it too hard for the body to store in the cells. It does, however, contain good amounts of dietary fibre.
In addition to meals for a patient with constipation, there are many products available that can relieve the symptoms of diarrhoea. The aim of these products is to help the sufferer to avoid the uncomfortable and unpleasant feelings associated with passing waste. The following products should be tried in addition to the high fibre food for constipation, or other therapies such as herbs, laxatives, or diuretics.
The best product for people who have difficulty passing stools is an easily digestible form of fibre like pulses. They should be made from brown rice, sorghum, or millet instead of other grain. These products do not have to be highly perishable and are easy to digest after they are bought. They can therefore be used on a regular basis, especially if they relieve the clinical symptoms of diarrhoea and constipation.
If there are no suitable easily digestible meals for a patient can be modified from normal meals by adding pectin. Pectin has been shown to reduce the amount of straining that people have to do to get rid of waste. It also reduces the amount of water that gets re-contaminated during the process of eliminating waste. Some foods that can be taken as pectin are ginger juice, dates, raisins, figs, papaya, oranges and bananas.
When trying to adjust meals for a patient with diarrhoea try to keep them as similar as possible to the regular diet that they normally eat. For example, if the patient normally eats lots of fresh fruit, try taking some fresh fruit. If they normally eat a lot of oily fish, try swapping a few portions of fish for olive oil. Keeping at least two suitable foods for diarrhoea and constipation in the daily menu is a great way to help the problem is solved quickly. There are also specialist diets available from your doctor to give extra assistance.