Understanding Pica Symptoms

Understanding Pica Symptoms

The most important things you need to know about Pica symptoms are that they are very common in people with retardation and other developmental disabilities. Other than that, they are also found in people with increased body mass and body fat percentage. People with extreme obesity are also very susceptible to Pica, which may lead to a nutritional deficiency that can lead to a serious health issue. Children and adults alike who have the symptoms of Pica also experience the frustration of not being able to eat their veggies because they are covered by feces and excrement. Pica symptoms are more common during the summer months, and they occur more frequently after meals.

There are times when Pica symptoms do not occur until one is much older, and this is when it is time to take a close look at your diet, especially if you have been taking iron supplements for an extended period of time. If your doctor has recommended that you take an iron supplement, make sure that you take one without fail even when you are undergoing pica symptoms. If you are experiencing iron deficiency anemia, it is important that you make an appointment with your doctor immediately, since your iron supplements could be the cause of the deficiency. Iron deficiency anemia is extremely dangerous, as it can lead to severe diseases like anemia, and even death.

In cases where the cause of pica symptoms may include food allergies, there are certain foods that you should keep away from, such as cow’s milk and eggs, wheat, fish and soy products. These are some of the most common foods that may cause intestinal blockage, and it is better for you to stay away from them at all costs. However, if your Pica symptoms are not caused by food allergies, then you probably ingested some of the nonfood items that you often ingest without any harm. Some of these nonfood items are listed below.

When your body is subjected to elevated dietary fat loads and low nutrient quality food items, the incidence of Pica symptoms may increase dramatically. In order to prevent Pica symptoms, you need to avoid foods that have a high fat content and very little nutrient content. To deal with this issue, make sure that you get the right amount of essential fatty acids in your daily nutrition. Essential fatty acids can be easily found in flax seed oil, olive oil and flax seed extract, making these items a great addition to your daily nutrition.

Sometimes, ingestion of some nonfood items can trigger symptoms of pica, which include excessive salivation and hives, nausea, abdominal discomfort, and cramps. Some of the other physical signs of pica that you need to note down include diarrhea, constipation and bloating of the stomach. In order to keep yourself away from the risk of developing pica symptoms, make sure that you stop eating nonfood items that may cause diarrhea, constipation and bloating.

Sometimes, a child or an adult may develop inappropriate behavioral patterns that may lead to the occurrence of pica symptoms. This can be attributed to improper eating habits and/or a change in nutritional habit or lifestyle. If a person develops inappropriate behavioral patterns like constantly binging in school or during weekends, develops sleep disorders like insomnia, nightmares and anxiety attacks, develops anger management problems or develops physical ailments like diarrhea, constipation and stomach pain; he/she might be allergic to one or more types of food items. Therefore, it is important to determine the reason behind the non-heterological behavior. If the reason behind the non-heterology behavior can be dealt with by removing the allergen and introducing the allergen to the patient’s diet, the problem can be treated effectively.

Since it has been proved beyond doubt that pica symptoms can also be caused by the developmentally inappropriate behavior of a person, it is recommended that a mental health professional should be consulted if the patient is showing signs of developing obsessive-compulsive disorder, post traumatic stress disorder or any other mental disorders. It is also very important to determine the cause of a mental disorder before treating it. Since pica symptoms can be associated with autism, cerebral palsy, Down syndrome, Fragile X syndrome, Huntington’s disease and many others, it is very important to get a thorough medical checkup done to determine if a patient has these conditions. Moreover, it is very important to get a diagnosis from a professional licensed doctor to confirm the presence of pica symptoms.

In order to treat pica, the patient needs to undergo a thorough psychiatric evaluation to find out the underlying cause of the behavior in order for him/her to be treated accordingly. This treatment should include the introduction of healthy eating habits, nutritional supplements and lifestyle changes in addition to medication. Healthy eating habits include avoiding junk food, processed food and foods that contain excessive amounts of salt, sugar, fats, chemicals, caffeine, alcohol and other toxins. Nutritional supplements include eating fruits and vegetables to provide sufficient amounts of vitamins and minerals that are needed by the body to function normally. Lifestyle changes include regular exercise and avoiding exposure to dirt, dust and insects since exposure to dirt and insects can lead to infections that may cause weight gain, bloating and excess skin oil.