Can Laxative Abuse Cause Acne

Can Laxative Abuse Cause Acne

Acne and bad breath can be result of constipation and built up toxins in the body. Cleansing and detox using laxatives normally help in removing them and make you look and feel better. Hence, laxative is good in reducing acne when used occasionally. However, there is a potential danger that overuse of laxatives will cause the more acnes.

Pimples are early Skin Signs

Skin signs are early warning signals from our body against medical consequences such as starvation, dehydration, vomiting or abuse of drugs such as laxatives. These include xerosis, pimples, hyperpigmentation, seborrhoeic, dermatitis and acral coldness. When you see these signs, it means some function or parts of your body is having a problem that requires treatment.

Link between Acne and Constipation

Many people suffer from constipation and acne at the same time and findings from the American Dietetic Association do make the connection. According to them, a fiber rich (constipation-preventing diet) lowers blood cholesterol levels, helps normalize the blood glucose and insulin levels. These are variables that reduce the androgens and facial oil secretion that provoke pimples invasion.

Laxatives and Good bowel movements reduce Acne

Purgatives is a good and effective medication to have bowel movement for occasional and short term use. By having a good bowel clearance, it can help to reduce the blemishes or acne on your face. This is result of reducing the toxins in colon which can seep out your facial pore contributing to unwanted acne outbreaks. One of the highly recommended detox tea is [easyazon_link identifier=”B002LL7OXM” locale=”US” tag=”wlaxative-20″]Yogi Skin DeTox[/easyazon_link] (green tea), it has lots of positive reviews from customer who used them.

How does Laxative Abuse Cause Pimples

When laxative is abused or overused, it can lead to acne. Prolonged usage of purgatives can cause constipation and acne is just a side effect of it. This is because your colon have been so used to the laxative for evacuation that it cannot function without it. Having more constipation, most patient will choose to deal with it by having more laxatives and this result in deadly dependence on it.

Eating disorder patient such as Bulimia that involved in binge eating and purging tends to abuse laxatives to remove the food they eat before it get digested. Due to their distorted perception on weight, body size and figure, they have intense fear of weight gain. They will take large doses of laxatives or engaged in extreme exercise to reduce weight each day. Large dosage and continual use of purgative not only flush out nutrients and electrolytes in the body, but also cause constipation. Acne is just one small part of the side effect.

Laxative abuse has serious dangers associated to it, and contributed to the death of legendary singer and drummer Karen Carpenter. Her signs of bulimia and anorexia were not discovered and treated before it was too late.


In conclusion, acne is a skin condition that can be triggered by few variables including hormonal shifts, nutritional changes or immunological weaknesses. Constipation increases toxins, circulating cholesterol levels and insulin resistance. Both of these toxic and hormonal changes can generate excess androgens and facial oil secretion that eventually lead to pimples outbreak.

Reference Sources:
Johanson, JF and J Kralstein. Chronic constipation: a survey of the patient perspective. Alimentary Pharmacology & Therapeutics; Mar 2007, vol 25, no 5, pp 599-608.