Stomach bloating is one of the most common side effect with laxative intake. People with constipation problem tends to turn to over the counter laxatives for quick relief to pass out their hard stools. It becomes an abuse when laxative is overused or misused for weight loss. It is miserable to have a bloated stomach and I can internalize that well as I had the problem once, for few days after a food poisoning.
There are few type of laxatives such as bulk forming, stool softener, saline, osmotic, stimulant and lubricant. Bulk forming laxatives increase the size and bulk of the stools to push it down whereas stool softener, osmotic and saline laxative increase the moisture in stool to make it easier to move through bowels. Most laxatives have some side effects after used and bloating is one of them.
Bloating Due to Laxative Abuse
When individual takes laxative, it deplete water level in the body and cause hydration. Due to this starvation, the body will try to retain water and hence caused bloated stomach, just like starving children in Africa. Such natural mechanism is to protect and keep us healthy.
After prolonged laxative abuse for years, individual may end up having constant need to go to bathroom, feeling of fullness and bloating all the time and even constipation. This could be due to inflammation in the intestines and stomach. Some people might even get hemorrhoids due to the urgent pushing after using laxatives.
Bloating Due to Laxative Withdrawal
Laxative withdrawal is not easy, it will usually cause side effects such as constipation, fluid retention syndrome, bloated stomach and temporary weight gain. These symptoms usually will last for 1 to 3 weeks but some may last up to 2 to 3 months. It will be very disturbing, especially to a person with eating disorders and highly concern about weight loss. It will take some time for the body to adjust back to its natural state of regular bowel movement.
Bloating is one of the common problems after stopping laxatives, the person might develop edema in abdomen, tight, calves, ankles and feet which causing huge agony during walking. In fact, bloating feeling is the hardest part of the laxative recovery, especially at the beginning stages. However, the feeling of weight down or stuffed will decrease as time pass and the body relearn how to digest food properly again.
How to Get Rid of Bloating
The best way to get rid of bloating is to encourage passing gas and a bowel movement. But if you are not able to do that, then try some [highlight background=”#fff999″ color=”#000000″]simple natural remedies[/highlight] listed here to see if it helps.
- Peppermint tea
Peppermint contains menthol oil, which is great for soothing churning stomachs and easing gas pains.It has an antispasmodic effect of the smooth muscle of the digestive track. It also soothes spasms in the gastrointestinal tract to help keep things moving slowly. - Chamomile tea
If peppermint doesn’t suit your taste, or doesn’t work for you, chamomile is a good alternatives. It can help with gas due to indigestion as well as heartburn, whereas peppermint is better for gas caused solely by indigestion. - Ginger the tummy tamer
Ginger is a popular traditional herb used to reduce gas and bloating. It contains several active ingredients, including the pungent compounds that help reduce inflammation in the colons and relax the intestinal muscles. - Warm lemon water
A glass of warm lemon water can help in easing your gas pain. The acidity in lemon encourages the production of HCL (hydrochloric acid) which is used to break down our meal. This drink also works to detoxify your entire body, because the lemon enable the livers enzymes work more efficiently. - Fennel Seeds and Caraway Seeds
Fennel seeds are very effective for digestive problems like bloating due to their carminative, diuretic, pain-reducing and anti-microbial properties. Caraway has anti-spasmodic effects as well as antimicrobial and carminative properties that promote expulsion of gas to give you instant relief from stomach bloating. - Bananas
Banana is a good source of fiber, it can help reduce bloating and gas associated with constipation. It also contains potassium, a mineral that helps regulate fluid levels in your body and gives relief from bloating. - Activated charcoal
Activated charcoal has helped many people with their bloating problems, although no exact reason is known. It is believed that it’s because of it’s ability in trapping chemicals, the same reason why it is used in food poisoning or drug overdoses. The same mechanism applied to trap excess gas released by bacteria in our intestines. Check out the best selling activated charcoal and learn how this natural adsorbent agents absorb digestive gas.
- Peppermint tea
How To Relief Bloating Feeling
- Start healthy eating habits by getting enough fiber like grains cereal, whole meal bread or prune.
- Take healthy small meals throughout the days
- Drink 6-8 liters of water daily, take yogurt and juices like apple juices or milk.
- Start regular physical and stretch activity like yoga, Pilates, dance or some cardio.