Every day, healthy weight loss meal prep for women is centered around about 1400 calories but you could easily adjust that number to fit your own needs. In this first video I will show you how to tweak the entire eating plan to provide you anywhere from twelve to sixteen calories per serving to lose weight fast. How does this help? Well, as you know, every serving of food contains roughly four calories. So if you were to eat four normal size meals you would lose weight. Now multiply those four calories by sixteen and you’ll see how many extra calories you are actually taking in.
Since you probably already know this, you want to be careful not to add too much to your intake in one sitting. To do this, you divide up your normal meals into several smaller meals and snack throughout the day. For example, if you eat a bag of potato chips with your regular spaghetti for lunch, you’ll have about three snack options. At the same time, if you eat an apple, a bag of chicken salad with your normal potato chips, you’ll have about four snack options.
So once you have your daily intake figured out, you need to figure out what kind of snacks you should have throughout the day. Snacks such as almonds are good because they have a high amount of fiber. A study on the American Journal of Nutrition revealed that over half of all adults are completely satisfied with the snack variety of chips. So your best bet is to purchase some almond butter or some other high-fiber nut alternative to prep your meals with.
Another valuable tip for weight-loss meal prep is the convenience of using either an Overnight oats machine or a Vitamix. These machines allow you to create healthy and tasty treats for breakfast, lunch, and dinner, and take them right to work with you each morning. For instance, I make a nice smoothie for breakfast with one cup of low-fat milk, one pack of instant yogurt, and one cup of green smoothie mix. I put the blended yogurt in the Vitamix and add some fresh fruit, an apple and some berries, and it’s ready to drink.
If you want a great quick fix for dinner, try a Zuppa, which is basically a mini meatballs. You only need about three eggs, some whole milk, ground beef, ground pepper, and one tablespoon of tomato sauce. Mix all of your ingredients together and cook in your Vitamix for thirty seconds. Then just drain off the excess and use the Zuppa as a sandwich spread or you could bake it and serve that. Just make sure you have cooked your pasta and vegetables beforehand so that you don’t end up feeling hungry again throughout the day. Another great easy dinner prep idea is leftover pizza.
In our house, we have a rather unique food group – black bean burgers. For our dinner prep, we usually combine one tablespoon of black beans, one tablespoon of salsa, and two to three cherry tomatoes, washed and chopped. Since quinoa has so much flavor, it goes well with the other ingredients. Once your quinoa is cooked and drained, you just cook the remaining ingredients – veggies and burger bun, to taste – in your Vitamix until the quinoa is done and the veggies are soft, then you serve your half of the black bean burgers.
As you can see from this article, there are many options when it comes to meal prep. When you’re preparing your foods in the Vitamix, remember that the cold water that you use will help to retain more nutrients, which means that you’ll be able to eat a lot more than you otherwise might. In addition, using low calorie and low fat ingredients will help you lose weight quite quickly.
To get the most out of your efforts when it comes to meal preparation and meal prepping, find Vitamix and get your frozen veggies prepped as well. This should give you the maximum amount of health benefits, since you’ll be consuming fewer calories each day. Once you’ve completed your prep work, you’ll know exactly what your calorie intake needs to be in order to lose weight in a healthy way. Don’t worry about getting bored – Vitamix is fun and easy to prepare!