Foods to eat when constipated vary depending on the level of constipation. When the colon is full, it is more difficult for waste to move through it. This means that, regardless of diet, fiber tends to get trapped in the colon. There are many foods to eat when constipated and some of them are very easy to digest.
Some foods to avoid are milk, cheese, yogurt, ice cream, wheat and white rice. These foods tend to cause an increase in bowel movements or are difficult to digest. Eating them can also cause gas or indigestion. Other foods to eat are fiber rich foods. These foods help the digestive process by softening up the stool.
Foods that can be used as a natural laxative include fruits such as bananas, apples, grapefruit, papaya, pineapple and kiwi. Herbs such as butcher’s broom, caraway, comfrey and wintergreen are all known to be effective laxatives. Herbs are a good choice because they are natural and therefore not harmful to the body. In addition, most of them can be purchased from a grocery or drug store.
Foods to eat when you are constipated are easy to digest and include a wide range of fiber. Soft fruits and vegetables are always a good choice because they are easy to eat and will provide the bulk necessary for relief. The fiber gives the stool enough room to easily move out of the intestine.
Foods that should never be given to people with constipation are chocolate, tea, coffee and tobacco. They may be beneficial in alleviating the symptoms of indigestion. However, giving these to someone who is constipated is counter-productive and can cause more harm than good. It is best to avoid spicy foods and beverages, caffeinated drinks and alcohol because they all can irritate the intestinal tract and contribute to constipation. Caffeinated foods include tea, coffee and chocolate because it can trigger a person’s digestive system.
Legumes are one of the easiest foods to eat when you are constipated because they have a high amount of fiber. Eating beans will increase the amount of fiber and mucilage in your stool. This mucilage helps ease the inflammation and pain of the bowel movement. Dark green leafy vegetables such as broccoli and carrots also help because they are high in fiber. However, the fiber from dark green vegetables will not help relieve constipation as well as whole legumes such as black beans.
The foods to eat when you are constipated are not limited to foods that are high in fiber only. Low-fat dairy products are also great for people who get constipated easily. Some people experience severe cramping when they are constipated, and low-fat milk can help alleviate this problem. Other low-fat dairy options include low-fat or skim milk, yogurt, buttermilk and cottage cheese. However, it should be noted that not all low-fat dairy products are healthy. Some even contain large amounts of saturated fats, which should be avoided as much as possible.
Herbs can also be used to help treat constipation. One of the most common herbs used is parsley, which has been shown to provide relief for those who suffer with digestive problems. Another great herb to use is aloe vera. Aloe vera has soothing properties and will also soothe inflamed and painful intestinal linings. Both of these herbs can be taken daily and will provide great benefits to those who are constipated.
Fiber supplements are also great to take when you are constipated. Fiber supplements are available in both capsule form and liquid form and act just like a natural laxative. Most fiber supplements are made from flax seeds, which are a natural source of fiber. However, there are some laxatives that are made from soybeans, which is not good for the body. Therefore, before you take any kind of fiber supplement, it is important to check with your doctor first.
For those who cannot tolerate any fiber at all, there is the option of taking a natural stool softener. There are fiber supplements, which are also designed to help treat constipation. These are called stool softeners and are usually sold over the counter. If you cannot tolerate a fiber supplement, then there are other alternatives such as an herbal laxative. Herbs such as wild hyssop are excellent at helping to soften stools.
A good example of a laxative that many people swear by is black walnut hulls. Another good alternative is a digestive enzyme supplement that helps ease constipation by breaking down the waste in the bowel. Although there are many types of laxatives, the most effective one to help ease constipation is a digestive enzyme supplement. With a little bit of effort, you will be able to ease your constipation problems.